Samsung Show W7900 Struts Its Stuff

Pico projectors are all the rage, and their popularity is growing. I always thought that these little projectors would really shine once they become fully integrated into the projects that use them such as a phones or handheld games. Well, the Samsung Show W7900 has been demoed, and it is very nice.

The Samsung Show W7900 is just like any other Samsung media device save for one essential feature; it has a built in projector capable of displaying a great image up to 50 inches diagonally. Specifically, the projector features 10 lumens and 480 by 320 pixels. Other specs on the phone include a 5MP camera, 3G connector, 3.2 inch OLED screen, and a front facing VGA camera for video conferencing. If the OS and the media functions are up to snuff, this phone will be very nice.

It was only a tech demo, and there is no official Samsung W7900 release date or price, but you can bet these things will be hitting the street soon. Now if I could only get a PSP or a Nintendo DS with a built-in projector.